So far I have been to two different islands on the summer of 2010. Here goes......
Canigao Island.
It took us less than a day to actually plan this trip. With a little persuasion from my friend Shan we were able to convince some friends that we should take this trip and let us borrow a tent. Actually we were just trying to find someone who will lend us a tent. But eventually we found ourselves lots of company. Enter Cors and Benj... They got so excited that they immediately went to the market to buy some food that we can take with us. Marinated some pork. Sliced and diced some fish. Made kinilaw and filled a whole cooler with ice and juice drinks in tetra packs. It took them almost the whole night to prepare.
Shan and I knowing that we already have company (and Cors informed us that the Imelda boys were tagging along, afterall, they have the tents) went to the hardware store and Shan bought a camping stove and some other essentials we will be needing for our trip since the island doesn't have electricity.
On the morning of out trip, we planned to leave at 6 am but apparently everyone else except me stayed in bed longer. So I was going a little bit crazy and paranoid coz none of them would answer their phones. I assumed they already left and forgot to pick me up at my house.. Eventually they called me and told me they all slept in.
So Shan picked me up and off we drove to the house of Cors and Benj (they're married with a girl and twin boys). Cors suggested they will only chip in for the gas on our way back and that Shan and I will share the gas for the travel to Matalom. At first we were hesitant as it won't be a short trip but as soon as we saw how much food we got (that Benj and the Imelda boys prepared) we were convinced.
So off we go to our island escapade, but not without a short stop in Palo,Leyte as it was market day. It took the boys a while to get what they needed to get and we were getting anxious. Getting excited to see this island with clear waters and white sand. By 9:30 we were on the road again. About an hour on the trip i felt the need to pee and Bingo (Cors' brother and designated driver) told me there's one place we can use nearby, the "nearby place" took some 30 minutes and I was about to burn Bingo with my stares and I guess he was having fun watching me cross my legs and getting desperate. Finally we stopped at a campaign center but there was no one there so we asked the guy standing on his front door on the next house if we ca
After that we had some cigarettes while witing for the other car (we didn't realize they already passed by and that they were already more than 20 minutes ahead of us). Bingo drove slowly so we can wait for them but eeventually when we called them found out they were already far ahead.We caught up with them and Bingo was laughing thinking he was making them eat dust as we passed by (but of course we were in a brand new car,LOL!). We called the boys in the other car and agreed to stop by a bridge with a scenic view. I found out people go bunjee jumping there so I plan to go back and do just that. It's called Agas-agas bridge. We had a photo op and then we were on the raod again after a quick stop-by on the public toilet just right off the bridge which is managed by the local government. It was clean as it should be for we had to pay.
In less than 30 minutes we were in Matalom. We tried to find that place where we can get on a small boat together with out coolers, tents, umbrellas and all the stuff we had with us. So we found the place and in no time we were taking photos while waiting for the boys to get our stuff from the cars. We can already see the island from where we were. We thought "nice".
A short while later we were nearing the island and from there we can see the different colored camping tents and different colored flags greeting us on the front of the island. As we were getting closer we could see that the island is packed. Too many people for such a small island. It was Labor Day so a lot of people were out having their own little getaways. Thing is I guess a lot of them decided Canigao Island is the place to be.
We docked and finally felt the water on my feet. We were scrambling on the shore trying to get everything into one place, while looking for a space to camp. Unfortunately the boatman made a mistake and one of the coolers fell to the water. This is the cooler used for the food so it was expected some food will be lost. we felt bad it was the kinilaw that was thrown out of its container. It was the food that took them a long time to prepare and everyone was looking forward to having it for lunch as it was a favorite. Too bad...
It was
Anyway, the boys started cooking while the others set up the tents. I took out my hammock and tried to help by sitting in one corner and not bothering the others who were do
In a short while lunch was served. I love the Imelda boys! All you have to do is sit and wait for your food to be served, they do lots of stuff for you so Shan and I were feeling like princesses and we love being treated like one. If it were our our Prakas boys we would be getting annoyed for we have to do the stuff that the Imelda Boys were doing for us. So we were lucky.
After lunch I went for a dip. The water felt good. It was clear and cold. Good for me as it was very hot in that island and there was no wind on that part where we camped. When i got out of the water the table was already set up for the afternoon drinking session. "Tagay" (the glass/glasses used for getting the drinks around. We share the same glass) was already going around. Red Horse beer in a hot afternoon. I didn't really like the idea but joined
Some people were just there for a daytrip so when some relatives of ours who happens to be there were getting ready to leave we immediately started setting camp there. It was the shady part which was still right in front so we can still have a good view of the white beach.
I also remember us taking one last dip before I completely forgot how I went back to our tent and slept. I think we even did a little stargazing.
Now what i can fully remember what the heat inside our tent that woke me up before it was even 7 a.m. Shandal just got out of our tent(we shareda tent). Huge headache and hangover anyone??? It was too hot, just too hot. Good thing our breakfast was ready, courtesy of course by the Imelda Boys. By now Shan and I were convinced they're good company and should take them with us next time we go island hopping. I've known these guys for a long time and hung out with them a few times though not all of them at the same time and I already thought they're nice but didn't expect them to be that nice.
So after a good breakfast and painful realization that my hangover will not be over soon we went for a walk to see the other side of the island. It didn't take us long to see the whole island as it was very small. But I guess I would have camped on the other side if I knew there was more wind there and more privacy. The front of the island is just so crowded that you loose the feeling of being in an "island escapade". It felt more like market on the
When we got back to our camp,we started packing our things as the boat that took us there will be arriving soon to pick us up. By the time the Mosley-Mayweather fight started, we were already on the mainland and everyone seemed ready for a good sleep on the way back home.
It was a good trip.
The island is tiny,the water was clear and clean, the sand was powdery white. It's a very beautiful island. But I hope since the government of Matalom doesn't like the idea of privatization, that they should take care of the island better if they want its beauty to last. To control how many people can there in a day to making sure that the rubbish is being taken care of. Or else it will be one big dumpsite of an island in the near future.
Also there's no freshwater and we had to be content with rinsing ourselves with salty water after bathing in saltwater. Another thing that set me off is that one of their water pumps in right behind the toilets.
Here are some facts about this little gem.
Location: Matalom,Leyte
Government run
A little over 2 hours by car from tacloban City, the capital of Leyte
About 10 minutes by boat from the boat station in Matalom
Cost about 50 pesos for a roundtrip with the boat
Has to pay environmental fee and some other stuff on the island itself
Small rooms are being constructed for those who don't want to camp for a price
Bring your own food and DRINKING WATER!!!
Don't expect freshwater for rinsing yourself of the saltwater
Expect long lines in the toilet and bathrooms, though new ones are being constructed
Expect rubbish scattered around
Will update this when I remember other facts.
their website for more info:
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